A long time ago, a thing happened to me which left me very disappointed. My beloved parents upon hearing that I really like computer games in their cluelessness bought me a cheap ~80zł (18EUR) console with the computing capabilities of the NES (unfortunately, the console had its own roms of questionable quality and not 1000 reskins of contra and mario). I played with it for about a week and then it sat on the shelf for 5+ years. Once, out of boredom, I started digging around on the internet about this console and it turned out that its sister model JG7420 had an SD card where you could put your own NES roms, unfortunately it turned out that mine doesn't. However, I still think that maybe it would be possible to somehow, I don't know how, through bare metal cables plugged in the right places, put roms with classic nes games on this console (it is already playing nes roms just their ones). This is my dream. Unfortunately I don't don't have a single hardware hackign skill nor do I know anything that I would need to know for this project, but well, idea for someday.
The only information which I think could be very useful I found on this website, a person knowledgeable about microprocessors dumped the games that are playable on the console. It is quite involved hardware hacking project and I am not even sure if it's doable, but I believe it's worth trying.
After googling a bit maybe I remembered things wrong, the console is not a famiclone and has a custom games written for it which can be emulated in MAME and are not NES roms, but also on the video I linked as a proof that the JG7420 has an SD card the poster of the video confirms that the console runs NES roms, well if there will be any progress I will update.
For now behold the selection of games.